The Ancestral Institute (AI) is a forum in which participants bring and share ancestral/traditional healing practices, and examine how these can be incorporated with contemporary mental health psychological paradigms to work toward achieving a “whole person” type of treatment for Black and peoples of color, and which will be included in training modules and therapeutic practices, especially for Indigenous, Black and people of color practitioners.

While the Institute welcomes peoples from Global South Diasporas, it recognizes and respects each person’s sexual orientation and gender identity; many ancestral/traditional cultural practitioners were/are unconstrained by their gender, and were/are accepted by their communities for who they are - communing with the ancestors/spirits and venerated for their abilities to walk between two worlds - the physical and spiritual/ancestral.

El Ancestral Institute (AI) es un foro en el que los participantes aportan y comparten prácticas curativas ancestrales/tradicionales, y examinan cómo estas pueden incorporarse a los paradigmas psicológicos de salud mental contemporáneos para trabajar hacia el logro de un tipo de tratamiento de “persona integral” para los negros y sus pueblos. de color, y que se incluirán en módulos de capacitación y prácticas terapéuticas, especialmente para practicantes indígenas, negros y de color.

Si bien el Instituto da la bienvenida a personas de las diásporas del Sur Global, reconoce y respeta la orientación sexual y la identidad de género de cada persona; Muchos practicantes culturales ancestrales/tradicionales no estaban/son limitados por su género, y fueron/son aceptados por sus comunidades por lo que son: en comunión con los ancestros/espíritus y venerados por sus habilidades para caminar entre dos mundos: el físico y el espiritual/ancestral.

In Our Mothers’ Tongues:

A Conversation about Ancestral Healing and Maternal Figures

For the Ancestral Institute’s 2025 program, we are hosting a Webinar series leading up to our November 15 to 21 Gathering with the Mayan and Garifuna communities in Danriga, Belize.

The first Webinar in the series, In Our Mothers’ Tongues: A Conversation about Ancestral Healing and Maternal Figures on March 19, 2025, from 12:00noon to 1:30pm EDT, is a multidisciplinary panel exploring the concept of ancestral healing, considering physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues that exist within our family history, and how these patterns can shape our lives in healthy and unhealthy ways. Panelists will share about significant maternal figures in their lives and discuss how we can facilitate individual and collective healing by connecting with our ancestors and lineage.

En lenguas de nuestras madres:

Una conversación sobre sanación ancestral y figuras maternas

Para el programa 2025 del Instituto Ancestral, organizaremos una serie de seminarios web previos a nuestro Encuentro del 15 al 21 de noviembre con las comunidades maya y garífuna en Danriga, Belice.

El primer seminario web de la serie, En lenguas de nuestras madres: una conversación sobre curación ancestral y figuras maternas, que se celebrará el 19 de marzo de 2025, de 12:00 del mediodía a 1:30 p. m. EDT, es un panel multidisciplinario que explora el concepto de curación ancestral, considerando problemas físicos, psicológicos, emocionales y espirituales que existen dentro de nuestra historia familiar, y cómo estos patrones pueden moldear nuestras vidas de maneras saludables y no saludables. Los panelistas compartirán sobre figuras maternas importantes en sus vidas y discutirán cómo podemos facilitar la curación individual y colectiva al conectarnos con nuestros antepasados ​​y linaje.

The Ancestral Institute- (@ai_wholehealing) gathered online

On Monday, December 30, 2024 for a conversation about culture and wellness with an incredible panel of healers and scholars from around the world!

Attendees learned more about Kwanzaa and the political contexts that made/makes it necessary, and heard from panelists representing Haiti, South Africa, East Africa, Puerto Rico, etc., speak about integrating cultural rituals and identity development in their research and wellness practices.

For the Webinar’s recording click the flyer below or here:

2024 Program

Gathering in Puerto Rico in collaboration and partnership with Taino and Afro-Puerto Rican Communities

El Instituto Ancestral- (@ai_wholehealing) reunido en línea

¡el lunes 30 de diciembre, 2024 para una conversación sobre cultura y bienestar con un increíble panel de curanderos y académicos de todo el mundo!

Los asistentes aprendieron más sobre Kwanzaa y los contextos políticos que lo hicieron necesario, y escucharon a panelistas que representan a Haití, Sudáfrica, África Oriental, Puerto Rico, etc., hablar sobre la integración de rituales culturales y el desarrollo de identidad en sus prácticas de investigación y bienestar.

Para ver la grabación del seminario web, haga clic en el folleto a continuación o aquí:

On November 8 to 10, 2024, at Casa De Cultura Ruth Hernandez Torres in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico for AI-24

Del 8 al 10 de noviembre de 2024, en la Casa De Cultura Ruth Hernandez Torres en Río Piedras, Puerto Rico para AI-24.

Click on the flyer below for the recording from the 1st Webinar in the series, presented on Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024.

Click on the flyer below for the recording from the 2nd Webinar in the series, presented on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Click on the flyer below for the recording from the 3rd Webinar in the series, presented on Friday, September 30, 2024.

Click on the flyer below for the recording from the 4th Webinar in the series, presented on Friday, October 15, 2024.

Taino culture, the ball game was indeed considered a sacred activity that connected the players with the spirit world. The game was believed to be a way of communicating with the spirit, ancestors, and the natural world.

By saying "the ball game doesn't belong to us, it belongs to the spirit," you're highlighting the Taino belief that the game was a spiritual practice that transcended human ownership. The game was a way of honoring the divine and recognizing the inter-connectedness of all things.

In this sense, the ball game was a ritual that brought people together, fostered community, and promoted balance and harmony within oneself and with nature. It's a powerful reminder that many Indigenous cultures have a deep understanding of the inter-connectedness of all things and the importance of respecting and honoring the natural world.

In Borikén/Puerto Rico, a variation of the game called "Juego de Batey" is still played today. (Arawak Nation Facebook Group)

The Ancestral Institute 2024 (AI-24) returns with its program - “Cultural Gathering for Holistic Health and Wellness - Uniting Indigenous and Diasporic Practices”, on November 8 to 10, 2024, in collaboration and partnership with the Department of Psychology and the Department of General Studies, at the University of Puerto Rico; and the Casa De Cultura Ruth Hernandez Torres in Rio Piedras, PR.

in 2023, the Ancestral Institute (AI-23) continuing with the 2022 title, “Reclaiming Rituals - Honoring Ancestors, Impacting Communities,” convened and continued with its efforts to reconnect with the Ancestors, and to celebrate the many rites, rituals, practices, and respective communities - the ways our communities healed themselves and each other.

On October 6, 2022, the Ancestral Institute (AI-22) was launched online with the title, “Reclaiming Rituals - Honoring Ancestors, Impacting Communities,”; it began at noon and concluded at 6:30pm and featured keynote speakers, breakout presentations, and Indigenous/traditional opening and closing - acknowledging the Ancestors.

El Instituto Ancestral 2024 (AI-24) regresa con su programa - “Encuentro Cultural para la Salud y el Bienestar Holístico - Uniendo Prácticas Indígenas y Diaspóricas”, del 8 al 10 de noviembre de 2024, en colaboración y alianza con el Departamento de Psicología y el Departamento de General Estudios, en la Universidad de Puerto Rico; y la Casa De Cultura Ruth Hernandez Torres en Rio Piedras, PR.

En 2023, el Instituto Ancestral (AI-23), continuando con el título de 2022, “Reclamando Rituales - Honrando a los Ancestros, Impactando a las Comunidades”, se reunió y continuó con sus esfuerzos para reconectarse con los Ancestros y celebrar los numerosos ritos, rituales y prácticas. y sus respectivas comunidades: las formas en que nuestras comunidades se sanaron a sí mismas y a los demás. El 6 de octubre de 2022, se lanzó en línea el Instituto Ancestral (AI-22) con el título “Reclamando Rituales - Honrando a los Ancestros, Impactando a las Comunidades”; Comenzó al mediodía y concluyó a las 6:30 p.m. y contó con oradores principales, presentaciones de trabajo y una apertura y cierre indígena/tradicional, reconociendo a los Ancestros.

We are aware of these truths



that mental health, as a science, is relatively new;



that mental health was never designed or formulated to and for Black and people of color;



that we need to reconnect with, and incorporate ancestral and indigenous healing practices with Western psychological constructs to address mental health in our communities, to achieve a "whole person" type of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment;



that mental illness and health among our communities manifests differently.


As we turn to our elders for their wisdom and experience to guide us, we ask them:



What does mental health and illness among their tribes, nations, families, communities look like?



How does the family, tribe, village, community and nation assist with treating one of their own?





Are you interested in participating in the Institute?

Would you like to meet and discuss how, and in what ways, we could make this a richer experience for our communities?

Would you like to include your resources in the Institute?