2022 Program
Reclaiming Rituals: Honoring Ancestors, Impacting Communities
Indigenizing Mental Health & Wellness in the Global Diaspora
10:00 AM Sign On
12:00 PM Call to Order
Calling on Our Ancestors - Indigenous Peoples Two-Spirit Invocation & Libations
presented by Monika Ponton Arrington, Ph.D., (Georgia Indigenous Diversity & Consulting) and Baba Fasanmi Obaniyi Fayemi (video linked)
Welcome, Introductions/Purpose, Acknowledgements & Housekeeping
“We Remember Our Own” - Memorial & Moment of Silence, presented by Darren J. Glenn, MSLIS (Glenn Family Foundation) (video link)
12:15 PM History of Ancestral & Indigenous Healing (video link)
Intro: “Walking the Red Road on a Colonized SuperHighway” - on being Contemporary as Traditional Indigenous
1:00 PM Ancestral & Indigenous Healing Rites and Rituals (video link)
presented by Baba Ifasanmi Obaniyi Fayemi, MFA
1:45 PM Intro: "Mental Illness from An African Perspective: A Call for an Urgent Fully Formal Integrative Approach to Mental Health Care” (video link)
2:30 PM Wellness break
2:45 PM In-Depth Discussions (concurrent and may offer CEUs for LCSWs and LMSWs provided by Callen-Lorde Community Health Center; protecting group intimacy and participants’ confidentiality, video recordings aren’t available for these breakouts):
Healing Indigenous and African Histories - Truths
“Walking the Red Road on a Colonized SuperHighway” - on being Contemporary as Traditional Indigenous
Daniel Foster, Ph.D., MSCP, and Rebecca Crawford-Foster, Ph.D., MSCP (Tatanka Mni Wiwayan Wacipici Holcoka Wakan), (Society of Indian [American] Psychologists, American Psychological Association)
Ancestral Healing Rites and Rituals
Baba Ifasanmi Obaniyi Fayemi, MFA
(CE) Mental Illness from An African Perspective: A Call for an Urgent Integrative Approach to Mental Health Care
Daniel Lesiba Letsoalo, MA Clin. Psych, PhD; Wandile Fundo Tsabedze, MA, PhD; and Curwyn Mapaling, MA (North West University, South Africa)
“Using Chairwork Psychotherapy to Combat the Psychological Impact of Oppression” - presented by Amanda Garcia Torres, LMHC (Chairwork Therapy, NYC)
5:15 PM Wellness Break
5:25 PM Ancestral Institute - Developing A Curriculum (video link)
Kaston Anderson-Carpenter, Ph.D. (Michigan State University)
5:45 PM Healing Opportunities (concurrent)
Meditation - presented by Kali (Mauritius)
Yoga - presented by Adjoa Osei, Psy.D.
Healing Circles - presented by Sawubona Healing Circles| ABPSI
Drumming - presented by The Drum Three - Winston (Jeggae) Hoppie, Mboya Wood, Akoyaw Rudder
6:15 PM Indigenous Peoples Closing Invocation (video link)